
Purge Data

Data in a target, target source, or table with the data classification Personal (or with a custom classification where the Retention Period Warning feature is enabled) is purged on the retention expiration date.

The most specific data protection settings are used, and the earliest Retention Expiration Date takes precedence. For example, if the retention date for a table is the first of the month and the retention date for the target is the fifteenth, data from the table is purged on the first. Data in the rest of the target is purged two weeks later. In the reverse case, where the target expires on the first of the month and the table is set to expire on the fifteenth, the specific table will still be purged with the rest of the tables in the target on the first.

When data is purged at the target level, all data in all tables (including check tables) at the target and target source levels is deleted. When data is purged at the target source level, data in all tables (including check tables) in that target source are deleted. Data purged at the table level deletes date for that table only.

The purge is preformed automatically on the retention expiration date by a Service page that runs once daily.

The purge can also be performed manually.

NOTE: Once the data is purged from a table, the table is deactivated. It cannot be refreshed either manually or automatically. The Refresh and Build and Refresh icons on the Targets, Target Sources, and Tables pages are inactive.

To purge data at the target level and delete all tables in the target and target sources in Collect:

  1. Select Targets in the Navigation pane.
  2. Click Vertical View for a target.
  3. Click the Data Protection tab.
  4. Click the Purge Data icon.

To purge data at the target source level and delete all tables in the target source in Collect:

  1. Select Targets in the Navigation pane.
  2. Click the Source icon.
  3. Click Vertical View for a target source.
  4. Click the Data Protection tab.
  5. Click the Purge Data icon.

To purge data at the table level, use the Truncate Table feature in Collect:

  1. Select Targets in the Navigation pane.
  2. Click the Source icon.
  3. Click the Tables icon.
  4. Click Vertical View for a table.
  5. Click the Action tab.
  6. Click the Truncate Table icon.